Thursday, May 22, 2008

Movie Review: Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Craig says:
Opening day of the new Indiana Jones movie and, thanks to my place of employment, we were in attendance. I gotta say that after seeing the trailer for it I have seen my expectations of the film drop so I was pretty much ready for anything. And anything is what they gave. At first I thought, 'Man - this is cheesy', and it was. Then I remembered that aside from the first one, the others were pretty cheesy too. I also remembered that I was still in my teen years when the movies came out - and for that time it was the coolest thing on the screen. My how time changes your perception. Of course, if you have seen the previous films, then you must go and see this one on the big screen too, just leave your thirst for good dialog at the door and you will be fine. Turn back the clock and enjoy it for what it is - and take a 8 and 11 year old with you to watch their eyes soak it all in - and remember when that was you. I rate it: See it in on the big screen, but don't bother going twice.

PS - One thing my sister pointed out - maybe he is super smart by now, but it sure seemed that he figured everything out really easily. "Hmmm - lemme just translate this and we will be off okay?" Bad guys? No worries. Natives? Just show them the skull. sigh...