Chase is our comic relief!! He loves to make funny jokes & always makes everyone smile! He's the best snuggler & so sweet too! This past February, Chase turned 6. He finished Kindergarten and is ready to start first grade!! He loved going boating and playing outside this summer! We went laser tagging for the first time & he was a total natural! It was a lot of fun to watch him!
Chase is starting fall soccer soon...he's excited to play again. He's done great with his swimming, he has lots of fun at the pool! Chase loves to read books and color..and of course ride his bike & play outside. He's a great help around home & is always ready to melt your heart with his long eyelashes and sweet smile!!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Posted by Jean at 8:32 PM 3 comments
Parker turned the big 5 on June 10th this year! He's a pretty happy kid who loves chillin with his brothers and friends...but especially his Mom!! Park has been loving summer. We've gone to the pool and boating and had a fun camping trip for a family reunion. He loves being outside playing. He learned to ride his 2-wheeler (a birthday present) without training wheels!!! He's pretty cool!
Parker is way excited to start Kindergarten. He'll be in the same school with Chase & Tyson and he thinks thats pretty cool. We bought new school sketchers today...they make him run really really fast, a must of course!!!
We love having our Park, he loves to stay up late with Mom & Dad...he constantly is entertaining us with his cute sense of humor and even cuter smile. Parker makes us happy!
Posted by Jean at 8:07 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 6, 2009

Posted by Jean at 4:25 PM 1 comments
I'm In
So, maybe you've noticed....Craig's been doing a fabulous job on this blog. I think he finally gave up on me adding anything, but now..I'm in. Just took a little looksy at a ton of other family blogs & yes, I'm feeling somewhat guilty that I haven't made a better effort to keep people (those of you that care!) updated!
So I will now make an attempt to redeem myself & get our family updated and officially blogged!!!
Posted by Craig at 4:08 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 24, 2009
Oh my gosh Becky....Look at her butt
Haven't posted in a while - been very busy. So here are a couple of tidbits to munch:
- Got my tickets to the Paramore/No Doubt concert, though not through the channel I thought! Darn finances got in the way of actually buying them, so I had given up hope. Then my (now favorite) nephew called up and said that he got some sets of freebies and that we could have a couple of tickets if we wanted!! Woo hoo!!! I get to rock after all!!!
- Here is a neo soul song that came out a couple of months ago that I loved!! Gabriella Cilmi - "Sweet About Me"
- And finally, the post that the title references. Jean and I saw this commercial the other night and both busted up laughing. (It's especially funny if you are a Sir Mix-a-Lot fan)
Posted by Craig at 3:02 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Ahhh Yeeeeaaaaahhhh - Let's kick it old school!
Saw this nice performance via - classic Public Enemy with the live band. Get out yo seat and Bring the Noise!!!
Posted by Craig at 9:11 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
A Concert I Must Not Miss
Posted by Craig at 2:33 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 9, 2009
Go-Go Dancing With The Stars
I'm not a huge fan of the ABC show Dancing with the Stars (Monday, 8/7c), but every once in a while I'm drawn in by a particular contestant that I like. I was impressed with how well Warren Sapp did last season - although I don't think I actually watched an episode.** Not bad for a 300 lb football guy.
** Incidentally - I usually keep up with stuff like this via the humorous "Prime Time in No Time" on Yahoo.
Posted by Craig at 10:04 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Sesame Street taught me more than public education
As I was working with Chase the other night reading, he got hung up on a word that started with the letter 'W'. I asked him what sound a W makes, and he was stumped. So, I told him it made a "Wha" sound and then imediatly went into a flashback. (Insert wavy lines here) I remembered a song from the old school Sesame Street about the letter W that stared everyone's favorite paperclip collector, Bert. I sang, Chase plugged his ears, and then I thought, 'Dude - I bet it is on YouTube!!" Sure enough - there is was - and here it is!! (Now if they had only taught me how to spell...)
Posted by Craig at 4:36 PM 1 comments
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Oooie, Gooie Luv Songs
Time to let my sensitive side out for a few and pass along one of my new favorite lovie songs. Usually the best ones are the ones that make me think of my sweetie, Jean, and they stick with me just like she does. She is the best.
Posted by Craig at 1:26 PM 0 comments