Thursday, November 20, 2008

This is not the blog you're looking for...

I have been adding friends like crazy on Facebook as of late (though not as many as Jean) and have noticed that many of my extended family have blogs.  "You should check out our blog" they say.  So, I did.  I didn't get what I expected, although maybe my expectations were not realistic.

I realize that there are many different kinds of blogs, and in general they contain what people think about things or cool things they have come across (see Our Lady Of Perpetual Hell) , info about culture or music or movies (see Pop Candy), or just random crap.  I try and post about thinks I have encountered, or things I like, that others might enjoy or be horrified about.   Get what you get, I suppose.  So, in an effort to see what other people like or feel strongly about, I ventured out to see what they had to say.

What I got was much like going to any family party.   A lot of pictures of kids, or vacations, or weddings, but not a whole lot about what they really thought inside or something cool they wanted to share.  (Okay - so now I may have pissed people off.  That was not my intention, I was mearly expecting something entirely different.)  I guess sharing those fun things is good, but mix in a good "this is what I think about that" posting in addition to those cute kids.  I can always catch up with you at the family Christmas Party or on Facebook.  :)

With that, I am adding a new link to my list of a friend that works with me.  She has just started her blog and there aren't many items there, but they are interesting.  (Found out something I didn't know about her.)  

Quick Notes

I was going title this "Quick Thoughts", but those of you who know me know that my thoughts are rarely quick.  Maybe my wit on occation, but not my thoughts.  So here you go:

  • Movie Review:  Quantum of Solace - I really liked this one and am continually happy that these "Bond" movies are less and less like the Bond movies of old.  I kinda liked those movies at the time, but now can hardly watch them.  This one, like most critics have pointed out is more like a Bourne movie than anything else with it's pacing and filming, but the movie was exciting!  Pay full price.
  • Movie Review:  Eagle Eye - Again, thinking about this one, it was much like the Bond movie above.  A thrill ride with a learn as you go plot.  Really a fun movie and an interesting idea.  (Not an original one, but a good one.)  Pay matinee price - but see it on the big screen.
  • And this is one reason why I love golf.
  • Oh - and this was a great article by one of my favorite blogs.
More coming soon!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day in a Red State

Just got done with casting my ballot, so I thought I would share some non-partisan thoughts.

  1. They should not have quite so many old people running things at the polling station.  After being placed in the wrong line twice because the lady didn't bother asking me what letter my last name started with, a neighbor of mine hollered to me to come into the correct line.  Bless their souls, just let them hand out the "I Voted" stickers and leave it at that.
  2. Gone is the age of voting in private.  I kinda liked the old school red, white, and blue striped voting curtains that made it so you didn't feel like someone was looking over your shoulder when you were voting.  Now with the new electronic machines, you simply have a touch screen, with 8" pannels that extend at a 45 deg angle away from it.  So pretty much, while I was waiting in line I could see exactly what everbody was voting for if I wanted to.  I chose to look at the cute baby in the carrier that his dad had placed on the floor.  :)
  3. Why do they even allow you to vote a straight ticket?  Talk about voting for lazy people.  I admit that I have been guilty of doing this in the past - mostly because I was lazy and didn't really care about taking the time to read about the different cannidates.  This is particualarly damning if you happen to be a person that is running as a democrat in a "Red State".  Doesn't matter what you say or who you are - if no one is listening you are going to get hosed by the straight party vote.  :(
  4. Dang it is hard to get non skewed information.  I've gone back and forth on issues like our recent city bond vote because of things I've heard from this or that person.  Finally got some info this last weekend that answered my questions.  (I won't tell you how I voted...)
So, an election has come and gone, and now I get to listen to predictions for the rest of the day and look at all the people displaying the "I Voted" stickers in a sad attempt to get validation that they did the right thing today.  sigh