Thursday, November 20, 2008

Quick Notes

I was going title this "Quick Thoughts", but those of you who know me know that my thoughts are rarely quick.  Maybe my wit on occation, but not my thoughts.  So here you go:

  • Movie Review:  Quantum of Solace - I really liked this one and am continually happy that these "Bond" movies are less and less like the Bond movies of old.  I kinda liked those movies at the time, but now can hardly watch them.  This one, like most critics have pointed out is more like a Bourne movie than anything else with it's pacing and filming, but the movie was exciting!  Pay full price.
  • Movie Review:  Eagle Eye - Again, thinking about this one, it was much like the Bond movie above.  A thrill ride with a learn as you go plot.  Really a fun movie and an interesting idea.  (Not an original one, but a good one.)  Pay matinee price - but see it on the big screen.
  • And this is one reason why I love golf.
  • Oh - and this was a great article by one of my favorite blogs.
More coming soon!!